Weathering the Back to School COVID Storm
Season 1 Episode 14

Are you reeling and feeling a bit queasy from the rollercoaster ride we’ve been on this summer about kids going to back to school? Us too. In this episode, we talk about distance learning, homeschooling, unschooling, and all of our feelings and opinions about what the fall may look like. And somehow a story about purchasing three wedding dresses snuck in there. Join us this week as we Embrace Holland, back to school style!
Some highlights
IEP considerations for homeschooling
Maryland’s eligibility requirements for the Autism Waiver
Maryland Autism Waiver Info Becoming better school partners as a result of our front-row seat to learning
Homeschool resources mentioned
AFLS - Assessment of Functional Living Skills
Teaching Textbooks
The Good & the Beautiful Homeschool Curriculum